Office of the Principal, Govt. College Jassia, Rohtak

Minutes of the meeting

The meeting of IQAC began at 1.00 p.m. on 25/07/2024 in the presence of chairperson of IQAC, with a formal welcome of all teaching staff members and Respected /principal Sir by the IQAC co-coordinator, followed by the discussion of topics mentioned in the agenda of meeting. Minutes of the meeting are as:

1.      Members of the IQAC committee are acknowledged with its objectives, functionality and strategies of IQAC.

2.      Organisation of an induction/ orientation programme for fresher students of the current session along with their parents was finalized and the date was decided as 30/07/2024 in seminar hall at 10 a.m.

3.      To improve quality education in the institute, it was decided to generate activities calendar by different cells and departments so that each activity can be organized timely and students will be benefitted.

4.      Proposed activities for the current session should be finalized by each cell/ society/ club/ board and submitted a copy to IQAC as well as submit the report of their conducted activities of the previous year against those proposed by them.

5.      Academic calendar should be finalized by the current IQAC.

6.      It was decided that all teaching departments should have to display lesson plans and activities calendar (duly signed by all members and seen by R/ Principal) on their respective notice boards as well as attach it in the department register. Also

(i)                 one soft copy (department wise) should be shared to web portal in-charge to update the same.

(ii)               One hard copy of lesson plan (department-wise) should be submitted to IQAC at the end of the session 2024-25 (before exam) for both odd and even semester to update data of the institution in files.

7.      It was also decided that feedback forms from students and stakeholders should be collected so that review of the planning of the previous year can be possible.

8.      It was decided that each teaching department will schedule a meeting at departmental level in presence of all faculty members of that department to find out the suggestions to enhance the quality of education, students’ teacher relationship and teaching learning methods and also share the same with college IQAC.

9.      It was decided that if any faculty members attends any FDP/Seminar/ Conference/ Workshop/ training etc., he / she will have to submit the copy of permission by R/Principal and certificate after attending the same to IQAC.

10.  It was decided that API score of Assistant / Associate Professors for session 2023-24 will be verified as per DHE 11.11.2022 guidelines.

IQAC coordinator

IQAC Committee                                                                                            Principal, GC jassia

Action taken report of the meeting held on 25/07/2024

1.      Organization of an induction/ orientation programme for fresher students of the current session along with their parents was finalized and the date was decided as 30/07/2024 in seminar hall at 10 a.m.

2.      All teaching departments are instructed to display lesson plans and activities calendar (duly signed by all members and seen by R/ Principal) on their respective notice boards as well as attach it in the department register.

(i)one soft copy (department wise) should be shared to web portal in-charge to update the same.

(ii) One hard copy of lesson plan (department-wise) should be submitted to IQAC at the end of the session 2024-25 (before exam) for both odd and even semester to update data of the institution in files.

3.      A notice was circulated to prepare yearly proposed activity calendar for the session 2024-25

4.      It was also decided that feedback forms from students and stakeholders should be collected so that review of the planning of the previous year can be possible.

5.      A notice was circulated that each teaching department will schedule a meeting at departmental level in presence of all faculty members of that department to find out the suggestions to enhance the quality of education, students’ teacher relationship and teaching learning methods.

6.      IQAC work for the session 2024-25 distributed among IQAC members for smooth functioning of college IQAC.

7.      IQAC organized a one day “workshop on Digital Learning” for all teaching staff dated on 22/07/2024.


IQAC coordinator


IQAC Committee                                                                                          Principal, GC Jassia






Sr.NoFile NameUploaded DateView
1 MINUTES 17/12/2024 View
2 Minute of meeting 23/12/2024 View
3 Notice of meeting held on 23.12.2023 23/12/2024 View
4 Notice and agenda of meeting held on 23.12.2023 23/12/2024 View
5 Meeting of IQAC 23/12/2024 View
6 Meeting 2023-24 24/12/2024 View
7 Meeting 2023-24 24/12/2024 View
8 Meeting 2023-24 24/12/2024 View
9 Meeting 2023-24 24/12/2024 View
10 Meeting 2023-24 24/12/2024 View
11 IQAC MEETING 15/01/2025 View